

Arbiter of Taste.

I write and draw a Catholic inspired webcomic/graphic novel.

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Concord Initiative Lore nuggets every day of Inktober.

"You tend to find what you really look for. More's the pity."
--Lord Richmond Satterthwaite

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Four new pages since last I posted.

Lord Hiemont, a man of vision, offers secular salvation to three wretched men. But even in a secular world, salvation is a choice, with dire consequences.

Read The Concord Initiative here:

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Updates will now come on Sunday--more practical and more on theme.

The Concord Initiative, the crypto-Catholic 17th century fantasy continues.

"Faith will not prolong your life. But it will save it."
--La Parola

Now, at it's own site:

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Yes--the work continues.

I'll figure out a commentary schedule eventually, I swear.
I'm not just twiddling thumbs back here, you know.

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Once again, I've fallen off the Social media wagon. My work continues--I will never stop... but who would ever know that, given how little I speak about it?

Chapter 2 continues. Full splash pages are quick, fun, and versatile.

My site is coming. Soon.

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Two pages every Saturday morning. I need to double that.

The Concord Initiative is a 18th century fantasy about an Empire in decline, a monstrous revolution, and the nightmares that haunt a fragile king. Horror elements and crypto-Catholicism abound.

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2nd part of Chapter 2 has begun. Three newly humiliated and arrested criminals confront their impending executions.

Power doesn't corrupt. Power reveals, and absolute power reveals absolutely. Peril and mortal peril are much the same way.

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Chapter 2 continues, with a Gasparro getting a pointed reminder of the difference between asking for help and asking for a rationalization.

Humility makes all things possible--you have to recognize your weakness in order to become strong.

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Day 22 of The Concord Initiative story time!

The color bug caught me at last. After doing these last pages, I knew I could never go back to grayscale. Too much could be done with color--and more importantly, I knew nothing it. Opportunity.

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Day 21 of The Concord Initiative story time!
"His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead." -The Dead, by James Joyce

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