

Arbiter of Taste.

I write and draw a Catholic inspired webcomic/graphic novel.

フォロー数:254 フォロワー数:122

Day 9 of The Concord Initiative storytime!

This ~12 page fight scene took 3 months to finish, and it will take readers less than 5 minutes to read through. I make great fight scenes, but damn. Creators, understand this: consumers do not see the process; they see product.

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Day 8 of The Concord Initiative storytime!

I really hate the first two pages, here. Definitely in dire need of total reworking. This also really brings to light the lighting/shadow problems I had early on. The soft brush is murderously ugly, and I was so sloppy with it...

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Day 7 of The Concord Initiative storytime!

There was a serious clutter problem on the latter two pages. I learned what is probably one of the cardinal lessons of writing--9 times out of 10, say less. Words are precious. Choose them wisely.

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Day 5 of The Concord Initiative storytime!

Like many characters in this comic, Astreides's nose seems to grow and shrink at will. I realized around this point that I had a Pinocchio problem--every character's nose was long and pointed. We fixed that... mostly.

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Day 4 of Concord Initiative Storytime!

Quite a few rough faces here, but the biggest regret is making such a great potential panel in the 4th page here so small--the raining scene could have been tremendous.

It's also amazing just how much dialogue you can cut.

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Day 3 of the Concord Initiative story time.

I learned a tremendous amount from rewriting these particular four pages over half a dozen times. The crowding of the speech bubbles, the importance of layer control... remembering to save the photoshop file, not just the png...

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Day 2 of the Concord Initiative story time. Four pages a day, every day, for the next 24 days.

That damn flag needs to be updated. Hell, most of the art should be, too, but to spend time redoing 100 pages is folly. It'll do the job, for now.

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100 pages of The Concord Initiative, a story about the brutal reality of mortality and pain, the blood soaked dark side of revolutions, and priceless power of stories and faith.

Production started a year ago, so the initial quality is not reflective of my current abilities!

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