Saeyoung !! 🚀🌟🍅さんのプロフィール画像

Saeyoung !! 🚀🌟🍅さんのイラストまとめ

Fueled by Honey Buddha Chips and PhD pepper!! || #mysmes RP account || main account: @707slittlestar || pfp by; Nekosugoii

フォロー数:1015 フォロワー数:1243

I should have my own island lololol
It can have roads made of Honey Buddha Chips and rivers of Dr. Pepper lolol
Oh!! And lots of cars to drive!!^^ and cats to play with lololol

Would you come live on my little island with me?? lolol >w<

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// hey besties..

Was anyone able to make a second Unknown and merge the two unknowns together??

If so, who comes after?? I'm sooooo curious!!! TwT

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I wonder how Elly is doing.. I haven't seen her in so long.. TvT

We should go steal her from Jumin!!
Come on!
It's been so long since we stole her from him lololol

OH!! Don't tell Jumin, okay??^^
It's our secret lololol

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Woahhh >:0 look at all these amazing little stars!!!^^ I love you!! lololol

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That's too long!! TvT I won't get to spend any time with you!!
Ah!! I wont get to eat to eat any honey buddha chips for half a year!!!! T~T

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gahhhh maybe drinking so many cans of Dr. Pepper wasn't my best idea!!! T~T

I won't be able to sleep now!!!

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lololol guess who's back!!!! :D

The great and wonderful God Seven, Defender Of Justice!!!!^^ lolol

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Its finally the weekend!! :D lololol
Im so proud of you for getting through the week! Sometimes it can be super hard >~< but here you are!! :) good job!!^^ lolol

Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?? I have some work but maybe I can ask vandy to give me time off >:)

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// seriously.. this cg is GORGEOUS 🥰🌸💗

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God Seven says goodnight for now!! He finally finished his work! :D so he's gonna go sleep under the stars tonight! >w< lololol

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