Saeyoung !! 🚀🌟🍅さんのプロフィール画像

Saeyoung !! 🚀🌟🍅さんのイラストまとめ

Fueled by Honey Buddha Chips and PhD pepper!! || #mysmes RP account || main account: @707slittlestar || pfp by; Nekosugoii

フォロー数:1015 フォロワー数:1243

Hey!! >.< I missed you soooo much!

I've had so much work TvT I wanna run away from it.. how about we run off somewhere together lololol

Where should we go??^^ lolol

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What if we fly to space together!!! :D lolol wouldn't that be fun!! lololol

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Woah!! So sweet! So sweet! >v<🚀❤ The great Defender of Justice thanks you!! lololol

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Hey hey!! It's me! Your favourite hacker >v< lololol
What are you up to??^^

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Heyyy!! >.< God Seven wants hugs!! lololol

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Hey hey, my little star!!^^
Sorry, God Seven has been so busy lately!! lololol protecting the galaxy can take up a lot of time, you know!!

Anyways, what have you been up to lately??^^ I missed you a lot!!
Maybe we should hang out and look at the stars together!! :D

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God Seven is sooooo sleepyyyy!
I might just fall asleep any second now! Zzzz..

Heh.. just kidding!!^^ lololol I'm still awake! But I'll go to bed soon!^^
Make sure you're getting enough rest too, okay?? >w<

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I'll give it a test run then and let you know!! >:D lololol

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// omg FACTS!!! You said my exact thoughts! She's just so amazing and smart! And hardworking! 🥺💗

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Morning, my little star!! >.<
How are you today?? I hope you've been well lolol

have you been getting your daily dosage of PhD pepper and Honey Buddha Chips?? lololol

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