Saeyoung !! 🚀🌟🍅さんのプロフィール画像

Saeyoung !! 🚀🌟🍅さんのイラストまとめ

Fueled by Honey Buddha Chips and PhD pepper!! || #mysmes RP account || main account: @707slittlestar || pfp by; Nekosugoii

フォロー数:1015 フォロワー数:1243

Hey hey! Happy Monday lololol
What are you up to today?? lolol

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Wahhhh sorry I haven't been around much this week!!
Work is being piled on my desk.. T~T come save meeeee!!! lololol the great God Seven is in need of your saving~~

0 11

Really?? You are?? :D I'm always intrigued by you too lolololol

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Woahhh you're too good to me!! I'm really craving Honey Buddha Chips and Dr. Pepper now lololol

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The great 707 needs his beauty rest~~ lololol
So, goodnight goodnight! Don't let the bedbugs bite lolol >w<

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