Saeyoung !! 🚀🌟🍅さんのプロフィール画像

Saeyoung !! 🚀🌟🍅さんのイラストまとめ

Fueled by Honey Buddha Chips and PhD pepper!! || #mysmes RP account || main account: @707slittlestar || pfp by; Nekosugoii

フォロー数:1015 フォロワー数:1243

Hey hey!! Happy New Years Eve lololol thank you for such an awesome year >w<
You made my year much better :) lolol

0 12

What if we spent Christmas at the space station lololol >v<
That'd be fun >:D lolololol

0 14

Hey hey!! I have today and the weekend off!! Do you wanna spend the holidays with me??^^

0 12

Maybe I should ask my boss to give me a couple days off next week for the holidays lololol

Then we'd be able to spend time together!!!! >w< that'd be very fun!!^^

0 21

Hey hey! God Seven is back!!
Sorry I was gone for a little bit lololol
I had a super secret mission!^^ but I'm back now, better than ever!!! >:D

Can't tell you much about the mission I was on though.. because it's it's secret!!~ lololol

I'm so mysterious!~ lolol

1 16

Ohh!! Yes yes! A trip to the space station with the great 606 is something to look forward to lololol >w<

0 1

// jaehee is seriously so gorgeous.
Like.. hand in marriage pls??? 💗💍

0 45