

He/Him. My name is Austen Beaver. I like comics, video games and reading books. Banner is by @TheRedJoka.

フォロー数:524 フォロワー数:739

I want the one on the left the most, but all 5 would be an Amazing ship.

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Also Luminous Avenger and all are available on Switch.

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I just found out this comes out on Switch in 4 days. So fucking hyped.

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Rayla: "Ha, making fun of humans is fun."

Callum: "I'll remember that 2 seasons from now."

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Ok the Original Sinister Six Line-up plus Jason Macendale vs the Original Rogues Line-up plus Hartley and Mick.

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Rhino used to be the second Horniest thing in Spider-Man comics.

3 16

Bruce may not go down, but we know a Billionaire/former billionaire vigilante who does.

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Ok, but these Webtoons would kick ass.

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