

He/Him. My name is Austen Beaver. I like comics, video games and reading books. Banner is by @TheRedJoka.

フォロー数:524 フォロワー数:739

So, is this the same person then or is the one on the right an AU future of Jess Chambers?

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Who would you want to voice the Biggest of Wally's Bads?

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Wally: "Man of Steel Clark, eat your heart out."

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Also maybe have Iris' real brothers rather than make Wally her brother.

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Heck, they introduce Barry's comic adoptive father 3 years before the first season started. And since he's a cop like Joe, Barry still could've had that close tie to the West family without it being weird.

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Please tell me Tommy gets shit for how lazy his superhero name is.

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Not sure about both Hood and Hat. Isn't it redundant?

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