

Game Dev - Pixel Artist - Animator
Discord: TheComicQuest#1108

フォロー数:4171 フォロワー数:567

Mark is so corny, "wee" shut up you dork 😂

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Young-Omni-Man is easily one of my favorite costumes of the whole series. Funny that they essentially just revisited one or Cory's alternate designs for Oliver's first costume, but it feels like an appropriate age-up, going from his Robin to Nightwing era.

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I can really hear Steven Yeun in these panels, his cadence matches Mark's energy perfectly. Also lol Mark is not built for capitalism...weird that Eve is so business savvy considering her whole thing is supposedly public works.

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TW: explicit misogyny
Props to Kirkman for making Eve's dad just the grossest kind of douchebag, really effective at making me hate his guts.
Worth it for the Mark reaction panels.

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Mark you don't even like sports

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It is wild to think how different later events in this series would go if Mark had killed Dinosaurus here. Also Robot clocking him 👀

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It's such a small detail but I hope they keep the Robot casts for the show, I love that a superhero needs a super cast

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Okay but he kinda spittin...not the over population stuff that's just eugenics but the stuff about how superheroes removing the need for public works projects and the jobs those projects provide

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