

Game Dev - Pixel Artist - Animator
Discord: TheComicQuest#1108

フォロー数:4153 フォロワー数:656

It's incredible that Ottley manages to out do himself so quickly after the Invincible War but man look at these layouts, just pure electricity

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Its very funny that people assume Conquest is Nolan despite thinking Mark was a whole new hero when he changed the color of his costume

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That little close up of Conquests bloody nose is so haunting.
Good shit

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It's not just the big action set pieces of this fight, Ottleys expression work is at its peak too

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I love that Mark straight up tosses him out of the fight

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Oliver may be a bit out of his league here

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When in doubt, throw them into space...unless they can grab you and fly you right back down to earth

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Mark pulling that Injustice super

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Mark has come a long way, when he hit his dad all those years ago he barely flinched.

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This is maybe my favorite drawing of Conquest that Ryan had done

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