

Game Dev - Pixel Artist - Animator
Discord: TheComicQuest#1108

フォロー数:4153 フォロワー数:656

Up till now the Viltrumites we've met have been all business, Conquest is a nice change of pace, he's a sadistic bastard and that's gonna make this fight so much worse

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This bit in the finale of season 1 definitely reminded me of this moment in the build up to Conquest.

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I like Cecil extending the olive branch of Guardians field leader to Mark but to be honest it's probably just another way to keep tabs on him so Mark is probably right to turn it down

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Another small detail that I love that the show included was that Martian Man had a "core" similar to how Shape Smith is later explained in the comics.

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The Invincible War definitely did no favors for Mark's public image, it's gonna be about a week before everyone on Twitter is tagging things with

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When you've watched the movies but not the Disney Plus shows

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What I love about Cecil is that he's an eternal pragmatist

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Love this compilation of different establishing shots, the Pentagon, the Grayson Home, Mark's highschool, Burger Mart, Stronghold and The Teen Team Bridge HQ, no where was safe.

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