

drawer, not the kind you put stuff in | Lisa Frank fingerpainting in hell | #Billsmafia | OPEN for drawing commissions 🖤 I love you 🖤…

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Still haven’t seen the original Blade Runner. I gotta get on that. 2049 was super awesome though.

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It’s Whoa. I’m Erik Miller, I’m an illustrator who does character art, comics, promotional materials, and intimate (consensual) hugs. 🤘

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I like A Link Between Worlds more than Breath of the Wild.

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I’m making progress on a series of illustrations that I’ll be putting into a book of ways to dies and cliche wisdoms.

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That snake is binging junk food to mask the crushing feelings of inadequacy he gets from his pointless 9-5 and loveless marriage.

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All this talk of witch hunts... shake muh damn head. The real witch hunts were a bloodthirsty excuse by the Christian establishment to murder those they had deemed “other.”

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I’m doing a series of If anyone has super cliché phrases tweet away!

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What if a booger alien was immortal and just wanted to die? A children’s book.

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This is my favorite thing I’ve made. It’s   and I’ve never seen the original just 2049. I used to make it mostly. Mostly.

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