

29 year old Scorpio witch and artist. She/Her.🍏🍎
Occasionally NSFW. 🔞

フォロー数:212 フォロワー数:41

Genshin impact has been consuming my soul lately, and I wanted to draw Lumine.
This piece has been quite the lesson in patience, but I think overall well worth the frustration it caused me!

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Twitter cropping is unfortunate. Thanks twitter.
This was gonna be a "draw what you're wearing" meme thing, and then I took forever. THEN I was gonna turn it into a "Meet the Artist" thing...But just couldn't format it in a way I liked.
So now it's just a lil doodle of me. haha

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Redo of an old piece from last year!
I'm always a fan of redrawing older pics tbh, especially when I'm short on inspiration for new ideas.

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Tentatively calling this done!
Helaine getting ready to whoop some ass, lookin like a celestial, glowy badass.
Been dipping my toes into layer blending modes (or w/e they're called?) with mild success? I rly should look up some tutorials though. haha

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Sorry for the repost! Had to tweak some things real quick!
Threw some colors on a sketch I did a while ago of one of my Gaia avatars even tho I haven't touched GaiaOnline in months. lmao
I did decide to change the color of the tail to match her hair.

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Been wanting to make it a point to try and post more art on here.💕
Here's some D&D characters I've made! An aasimar cleric named Helaine, and a Goliath druid named Brynhi. 🥰

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Been thinking of trying the whole, "uploading art to twitter" thing again. Will I stick to it? Who knows!
Recently doodled up the characters from campaign 2 of Critical Role to get a feel for drawing them. Then I ended up slapping some color on em.💕 (1/3)

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