


I like to draw babes and cool stuff.

Creator behind Kitty Kitty Bang Bang

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The cover for Kitty Kitty Bang Bang ch 42. It's heavily based off of one of my favorite covers from Chris Bachalo.

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Oni Streamer Builds A Mech- Ch 3. Background Knowledge pg. 1-5 is now available for early access:

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Everyone likes having a little Urbie in their lives.

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Another commission complete. In this one, the client wanted to see his character, Emric, facing off against his friend's character, Emily. I now have a sudden urge to play Soul Caliber... don't judge me.

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Another big commission done. wanted a sketch commission of a group shot of their OCs. It was pretty fun to work on

6 22

It's exactly what you think it is...

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Oni Streamer Builds A Mech- Ch 2. The Idea pg. 10-11

She finally figured it out.


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Oni Streamer Builds A Mech- Ch 2. The Idea pg.8-10 is now available for early access

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