


I like to draw babes and cool stuff.

Creator behind Kitty Kitty Bang Bang

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Sharing it again because I can... Definitely gonna make this a Tee Spring Print.

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Oni Streamer Builds A Mech- Pg.20-21 is now available for early access:

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is trending. I must jump on the bandwagon before bed.

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A little sample of one of the new pages for Oni Streamer Builds a Mech. Yes, it is who I think it is. No I don't care if he sees it and makes a video having a exaggerated spasm about it.

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KKBB- Ch 40. Library Romp part 1 pg.17-22 Are now available for early access:

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Happy Easter.

Well of course I'm going to give the Easter spotlight to Mary-sue. I mean she does like bunnies... Anyway, KKBB will return Monday. Enjoy your Good Friday, your Resurrection Sunday, and eat as much Easter candy as you possibly can before going into a diabetic coma.

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Oni Streamer Builds A Mech pg.18

Don't lie, we all know that this basically how it is with every group I'm jabbing at in this page.

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It's My name is Moe, and I draw a comic called Kitty Kitty Bang Bang on webtoons

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