

Louise / 24 / lesbian rat girl / Made and runs @ReviewsPokemon, @ReviewsJellycat and @AnimalsPixel / Icon: @EqPrev

フォロー数:853 フォロワー数:13203

Be like Kon from Star Trek.

19 83

If you have listened to any band signed under fuled by Ramen then you're probably gay now.

13 39

Your gender is the last discord message that you've sent.

14 286

You have heard of trans Doofenshmirtz but let us also not forget trans Perry.

1928 6527

Cursed cats, Minecraft edition.

22 111

I never understood why people say that all modern animation looks the same when it's clear that is in no way true at all. Each modern cartoon that has come out in the last decade has had its own distinct style and personality.

17 58

Jesse: "James, remind people why we dress the way we do again?"

James: "Well Jesse it's because we know that gender roles are made up and that people can and should wear and express themselves however they want!"

Meowth: "That's right!"

73 225

Your gender is the last anime or cartoon that you have watched.

23 335

Your gender is the last song that you have listened to.

147 2456