

Louise / 24 / lesbian rat girl / Made and runs @ReviewsPokemon, @ReviewsJellycat and @AnimalsPixel / Icon: @EqPrev

フォロー数:853 フォロワー数:13203

Fred is a true ally.

368 1170

Your gender is the last video game you have played.

110 1290

You've heard it here first folks.

20 104

Your gender is the last image you have sent to someone.

22 530

Which Luigi do you feel like today?

4 44

Team rocket may not be able to steal Pikachu but they certainly can steal looks.

101 302

Us: putting our pronouns in our bios

The creator of Hershey's: putting their pronouns on a chocolate bar.

26 138

I'm so proud of him.

28 140

I nominate stars align for anime of the decade.

61 232

Your gender is your last tweet.

31 332