

Louise / 24 / lesbian rat girl / Made and runs @ReviewsPokemon, @ReviewsJellycat and @AnimalsPixel / Icon: @EqPrev

フォロー数:853 フォロワー数:13203

Pots Gender roles
Link smashing things

60 189

A reminder that this bread has now officially expired.

19 57

This cat is here to remind you to support LGBTQ+ rights.

29 121

Your gender is the last album you listened to.

48 654

Thinking about Moogles...

6 19

A reminder that Remy is an FTM icon.

6448 21249

Your gender is your favourite video game.

74 731

Me at the beginning of the decade vs me at the end of the decade.

14 63

Some people: "Being trans is against God!"


29 94

Herobrine at the beginning of the decade vs Herobrine at the end of the decade.

40 158