

thinking about the targaryens ❤️‍🔥

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"[He] seemed all that could be wished in a knight, lord, or heir. Prince Baelor won the name Breakspear at the age of seventeen, following his famous victory at Princess
Daenerys's wedding tourney; he defeated Daemon Blackfyre in the final tilt."

- Baelor Targaryen

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"One Dornish knight, brought before Queen Visenya as a captive, insisted that Meria Martell would sooner see her people dead than slaves to House Targaryen. Visenya replied that she and her brother would be glad to oblige the princess."

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"And he could fight. With axe or lance or flail, he was as good as any knight I ever saw, but with the sword he was the Warrior himself. When Prince Daemon had Blackfyre in his hand, there was not a man to equal him..."

- Daemon Blackfyre. Son of Aegon IV and Daena Targaryen.

61 662

"Prince Aenys was three when his mother, Queen Rhaenys, and her
dragon, Meraxes, were slain in Dorne. Her death left the boy prince
inconsolable. He stopped eating, and even began to crawl as he had when
he was one, as if he had forgotten how to walk."

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"My brother Aegon died at the hands of our uncle [Maegor] in the Battle Beneath the Gods Eye. His wife, my sister Rhaena, was not with him at the battle, but she died that day as well."

- Rhaena, Aegon (The Uncrowned) and their twins: Aerea and Rhaella Targaryen.

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"I will
not spend a year upon a horse, sleeping in strange beds and trading empty
courtesies with drunken lords, half of whom would gladly see me dead if it
gained them a groat. If any man requires words with me, he will find me on
the Iron Throne."

- Aegon III Targaryen.

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"Visenya, eldest of the three siblings, was as much a warrior as Aegon himself, as comfortable in
ringmail as in silk. Even those who loved her best found
Visenya stern, serious, unforgiving, and some said that she played with poisons and dabbled in
dark sorceries.

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"I will leave the making of law to you brother," Prince Baelon declared,
whilst drinking to Aemon's appointment. "I would sooner make
sons." And that was just what he did, for later that same year Alyssa bore her Spring Prince a second son, who was given the name

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"Yet that did not
stop Princess Rhaena from riding up to them to say, "You are fearless when
facing a girl on a horse, I see. The next time I come, I will be on a dragon.
Throw dirt on me then, I pray you."

- Rhaena Targaryen and Dreamfyre

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