

thinking about the targaryens ❤️‍🔥

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"In 47 AC, Maegor took three women to wife in a single ceremony— all women of proven fertility, and all widows who had lost their husbands to Maegor's wars or at his command. They were: Elinor Costayne, Rhaena Targaryen and Jeyne Westerling."

- The Black Brides

270 1990

"In 77 AC Alyssa gave her brave prince a son they named Viserys. [...] Against all advice, his mother clapped the boy in swaddling clothes,
strapped him to her chest, and took him aloft on Meleys when he was nine
days old. Afterward she claimed Viserys giggled the whole while."

344 2608

"In 77 AC Alyssa gave her brave prince a son they named Viserys. [...] Against all advice, his mother clapped the boy in swaddling clothes,
strapped him to her chest, and took him aloft on Meleys when he was nine
days old. Afterward she claimed Viserys giggled the whole while."

130 985

"Queen Visenya suddenly announced that she was carrying the king’s child. A son, she proclaimed
confidently, and so he proved to be. [...] Prince Maegor remained with
his mother, sitting by her side when she held court."

- Visenya and her son Maegor Targaryen.

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"You've known queens and princesses. Did they dance with demons and practice the black arts?"
"Lady Shiera does. Lord Bloodraven’s paramour. She bathes in blood to keep her beauty."

- Shiera Seastar, daughter of king Aegon IV Targaryen.

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"[...] but Alyssa Targaryen was as bawdy a wench as
any barmaid in King's Landing, as she herself was fond of boasting. "I
mounted him and took him for a ride," she declared the morning after the
bedding, "and I mean to do the same tonight. I love to ride."

103 1078

"No mother ever loved a child more", Grand Maester Benifer once told her. In the last days of her life, Queen Alysanne reflected on his words. "He was wrong, I think," she wrote, "for surely the Mother Above loved my children more. She took so many of them away from me."

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"It was written that king Aegon himself wept the first time his granddaughter [Rhaena] was placed in his arms, and thereafter doted upon the child…mayhaps in some part because she reminded him of his lost queen, Rhaenys, in whose memory she had been named."

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"But Queen Alysanne firmly put the thought aside. "Alyssa is for Baelon," she declared. "She has been following him around since she could walk."

- Alyssa, Baelon and their boys Viserys I and Daemon Targaryen.

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"Her most ardent admirer was her half-brother, Bloodraven, who proposed marriage to her half a hundred times. She gave him her bed, but never her hand. It amused her more to make him jealous."

- Shiera Seastar and Brynden Rivers, both bastard children of King Aegon IV Targaryen.

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