

Traditional futurist • Posting inspiring work • Designing brand and product since 1999

フォロー数:259 フォロワー数:18363 — Silence Design practices classic, clear and simple design. Like it.

0 3 — Bèla Adler and Salvador Fresneda are a top level hard working fashion photography couple still doing beautiful Feels like the best of the 90s. I love their work.

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Mate, I am a souther European culturally catholic living in anglo land, don't get me started or I will start angrily gesturing my hands in complete agreement

0 0 — Flavien Guilbaud is not a flashy designer doing fake brands with fake mockups but he's very good in the silent art of hard-working digital layouts.

0 4 — Ross Berens has some very interesting pieces and aso three very cool house sessions that I am enjoying a lot ( Good stuff.

0 0 — Canopée is a great Good rhythm and harmony. I like type foundries ignoring the sans obsession. As for the rest of the typefaces... not so good but still interesting.

0 3 — M Giesser is a fellow designer from the 80s doing super modern stuff. Very mature, sharp and well done

0 0 — Debora Cheyenne creates very cool visual It feels like all the ice-cream in the world exploded at once. Pretty.

0 0 — MAFF. Cool videos every week. A good source for fun stuff.

0 0 creates very beautifully ornamented typography. The world needs more of this. Let's have a sans moratorium.

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