Thomas Lin Pedersenさんのプロフィール画像

Thomas Lin Pedersenさんのイラストまとめ

Visualisation and graphics @posit_pbc.

Classic Generative Art Weirdo using 🖤 and R: and


フォロー数:260 フォロワー数:39915

Rapture I have seen (too) many renders of Raptures at this point but never have I seen a flow like what is going on at the top of this. Completely smooth and then a sharp 90 degree turn. The fact that it coinsides completely with the gaps in the seal is just icing on top...

4 32

Rapture High frequency and spectral gives such a wonderful mess

6 60

Rapture The faceting really shines here I think

6 85

Rapture Erratic proclivity works so well in this one... Working title of erratic proclivity was "Hairy", btw :-)

7 47

Rapture Another favourite combo of mine is oscillating and invisible support - it almost feels like an echo of what was there

6 169

Rapture I think one of my favourite emerging features are when two shapes exchange colours like seen below. Blue flowing to the pink and pink flowing to the blue in a symmetric manner

3 69

Rapture - I may have just found a new favourite mono

11 174