Thomas Lin Pedersenさんのプロフィール画像

Thomas Lin Pedersenさんのイラストまとめ

Visualisation and graphics @posit_pbc.

Classic Generative Art Weirdo using 🖤 and R: and


フォロー数:260 フォロワー数:39915

It is pretty crazy that these two ended up in the final set of mints, given the chances involved... A great set

Rapture and

5 122

Rapture Spectral palette with many colours always look wicked, but when coupled with oscillating proclivity it gets an almost metallic feel

7 120

So... I've been working on an project

32 532

Yonder14 — The Great Wave of Here and There

Single Edition available on . First purchase includes a unique print, signed and shipped

34 376

Squares, Circles, Love, Madness

Looping animation available on

Single Edition - 200tez

10 74

— Limiting the amount of code is a weird constraint and I don't feel like I excel in it. Still, 14 lines of base R code is descent for the result I think

Code golf

20 256

Slides from my generative art talk at are now available

22 156

Spend my flight developing a new sytem inspired by the storms on Jupiter

4 28

More or less done with the genesis system (for now at least). These were some of my favourites

39 432