

hiya i’m tin, and i like to draw! 🍓 (no reposts w/o permission please!)

フォロー数:363 フォロワー数:21862

(+ some redraws found scattered across my camera roll) these two literally took up half my brain space six years ago. no thoughts just fierrochase

0 10

hinata: tadashi. you’re no longer allowed to visit my house

716 3697

day 5 | loyalty

the sendai frogs fanclub president making his presence known

370 1867

day 1 | “we went to watch jurassic world after club!”

movie dates (throughout the years)

1513 7454

why yamaguchi was excluded from the official art (real)

27 182

cackled a bit when i saw tsukki taking third wheeling to a whole another level in the new official art

414 2712

get you a lawyer gf who can bail you out of jail

487 2243

they’re best friends your honor! quick yamahina doodle for shouyou day ☀️

39 320

very predictable content from user tinartss today

133 955