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"If you want to know where to find your contribution to the world, look at your wounds. When you learn how to heal them, teach others." ~Emily Maroutian

195 554

Self-care isn't just baths and massages. It's checking in with yourself so you can figure out what's working, what's not, what you can change, and for the things you can't change, how you can cope. It's listening to yourself and acting on what you learn. https://t.co/RW9VmvtLSs

125 371

"Take a moment and accept the fact that life is short and you don’t have a lot of time to be with your loved ones. Someday all those people will no longer be around you, and you can’t possibly know when. Cherish them while you can." ~Mai Pham https://t.co/ErOF69v7bW

308 1050

"Take a moment and accept the fact that life is short and you don’t have a lot of time to be with your loved ones. Someday all those people will no longer be around you, and you can’t possibly know when. Cherish them while you can." ~Mai Pham https://t.co/ErOF69v7bW

246 731

We don't have to have all the answers, say the right things, or solve other people's problems. All we need to do is be there, with compassion, and hold space. https://t.co/KZfDFfpeKZ

128 362

Put down your phone. Your texts and emails will be there later. The person in front of you will not. https://t.co/B4E4seUC6z

137 405

Anything that costs you your peace is too expensive. Learn to let go.

737 1899

Don't forget to appreciate how far you've come. We get so caught up comparing ourselves to others and focusing on where we think we should be that we lose sight of how much we've learned and grown and how much has changed for the better. https://t.co/cjbm6yXghg

163 397

Accept that you're going to have negative thoughts, dark feelings, and tough days. Struggle isn’t something to be ashamed of. Struggle makes you human. https://t.co/z5Mh5JYGi4

193 519

"A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything." ~Irish proverb

A spiritual approach to beating insomnia and getting a good night's sleep: https://t.co/0d6eonI058

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