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Don't forget to appreciate how far you've come. We get so caught up comparing ourselves to others and focusing on where we think we should be that we lose sight of how much we've learned and grown and how much has changed for the better. https://t.co/L7AdeKaFln

189 488

Everyone is fighting their own battle, often silently, and everyone could use a little understanding. You never know who’s completely blinded by the depth of their pain, and you never know how much you could help by offering compassion instead of judging. https://t.co/p2HTQ7PYoW

274 652

Mental health is just as important as physical health.

649 1766

So many of us work too much, sleep too little, stuff our feelings down, and ignore our needs. This is a recipe for stress, anxiety, and burnout. Self-care is the antidote. https://t.co/PIODd6LIN1

136 362

We can't control what other people think of us, and it's not possible to get approval from everyone. if you're being honest and true to yourself, some people may reject you. But it's better to be rejected for being genuine than accepted for being fake. https://t.co/gCeuCoOvk1

163 535

We can exhaust ourselves, mentally, physically, and emotionally, trying to figure out what to do. When we still feel uncertain after obsessing and analyzing, we panic. None of this helps us make a decision. Here’s what does. https://t.co/wzYHL5H0EI

77 236

"A good laugh and a long sleep are two of the best cures for anything.” ~Irish Proverb https://t.co/utzJvfrQSx

314 878

"You are not too old and it's not too late." ~Unknown

Stop waiting for permission to live the life you want to live: https://t.co/WEAoA6edsr

183 508

Anything that costs you your peace is too expensive. Learn to let go.

572 1450

Anxiety is your body's way of trying to protect you. Just breathe. This will pass. https://t.co/wwU6phUrPo

140 479