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Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

665 1700

When we try to do big things and make big changes, it triggers our stress response and makes us avoid. The key to getting going is to start with tiny steps. It might not seem like much, but tiny steps can add up and make a big difference. https://t.co/wlBoBZtMaj

105 319

Hate is heavy. Let it go.

406 1134

“Be thankful for what you have, you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.” ~Oprah Winfrey https://t.co/oVQuLUcCV8

148 490

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

546 1433

It's okay to not be okay all the time.

349 953

Be selective with your battles. Sometimes peace is better than being right.

333 912

"It’s a beautiful thing to be mindful of the present, but don’t forget to honor yourself, your past, and how far you’ve come. Odds are, it’s further than you think." ~Rose Nguyen https://t.co/L7AdeKaFln

81 252

It's okay to not be okay all the time.

688 1825

"Nothing you have today will last forever... life is short and you don’t have a lot of time to be with your loved ones. Someday all those people will no longer be around you, and you can’t possibly know when. Cherish them while you can." ~Mai Pham https://t.co/ErOF69dvNm

214 622