

infrequent drawings, mainly of animals or dnd. Bird enthusiast.

フォロー数:325 フォロワー数:58

Finals are over now, missed a lot that i plan to go back and do but when I saw the Lady Amherst's Pheasants I wanted to do it right away

13 47

Red star chicken, slightly less monstrous than the earlier pharaoh

4 9

Day 3 of day 6 of other august. Pharaoh chicken... creature.

2 5

Already a bit behind on the 2nd day of and no doubt the thousandth person to use this joke but as if that's reason to not have a little strawberry finch plant

2 10

Primarily I draw birds and DnD stuff, but its mostly just whatever's caught my attention lately

0 2

Friend introduced me to a short hike the other day, incredibly good, cute game + it has a bird.

1 3

I really should delve into the cool features csp has and/or finish some wips, but i really just felt like drawing a duck

2 13

Welkinshear, dwarven kingdom carved into a peak of a mountain around which a dam was formed where glacial water now pools.

0 4

I'm all for taking things seriously on occasion, but man, I was so ready for the lizard presently known as prince to be nothing but overexaggerated angst and/or snake puns. Its incredible how you show so well exactly how lovable he is in a few panels

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