

serious art for serious people. Staffs uni Cartoon and Comic arts student. Email: [email protected]

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I haven’t posted in a while, mainly due to laziness, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been drawing still. Here’s some sketches and random drawings that I’ve done, with some finished drawings soon 👍🏻

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Me and some mates decided to try and create our own My Hero Academia and JoJo character over the weekend 👍🏻

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Another drawing of my protagonist, this time using John Frusciante (RHCP) as a reference. I also used this as an opportunity to practise backgrounds, overall I’m very happy with bout this turned out😁

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Back at uni now, so I’ve decided to give you all a brief idea of what I got up to over the Christmas break

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Drew a character from my favourite TV show ever, Family Guy! It’s Louis Grifum, be sure to smash that like button😎#FamilyGuy

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An artistic representation of me laughing at my mate as he’s about to be sick, done in the style of Quentin Blake

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Might as well just put this on here for now, I’ll get to drawing weird stuff at some point

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