

The new twt logo X has affected-
now l've tripped into a new dimension called Tumbr. A new day a new beginning (Check out my tumblr for more uptates) 🌚…

フォロー数:91 フォロワー数:326

Kinda late but as always thanks for the artist support <33
Howdy l'm Todcicle and l mainly draw ◇mcyt◇ :]
Lovely moots:

2 8

Howdy!! I'm Todcicle and l mainly draw ◇mcyt◇ altho that might change in the future so if your intrested check me out :]
Lovely moots:

7 13

AAA-- I'm really late to this.Once again thank you for the lovely support Java :]
I'm Todcicle and l mainly draw mcyt but that might change in the future :DD

0 0

Artist support woo!!
Howdy l'm Todcicle and l mainly do myct but that might change in the future!!
// eyes
Lovely moots:

11 19

// eyes
Here have some art of 's dtiys!! 👁️
rts very appreciated /nf

14 57

// blood
Howdy!! I'm Todcicle and at the moment l mainly draw myct :D

1 8

// blood
Howdy!! I'm Todcicle and at the moment l mainly do ◇myct◇
Lovely moots:

7 15

Howdy!! I'm Todcicle and l mainly draw ◇myct◇ if your intrested in any of my art check me out :DD

3 6