

The new twt logo X has affected-
now l've tripped into a new dimension called Tumbr. A new day a new beginning (Check out my tumblr for more uptates) 🌚…

フォロー数:91 フォロワー数:326

Okay but look at the one that l drew months ago and look at the newest one-

0 2

I'm VERY late to this- But congrats on 600!! Very much deserved :))
I'm Todcicle and for now l mainly draw ◇myct◇
Goal for now:300
Lovely moots:

5 17

Congrats on 9K!! Howdy!!☆ I'm Todcicle and for now l mainly draw ◇myct◇
Goal:300 for now and some amazing moots

5 13

Congrats on 1.8K!!! Howdy!!☆ I'm Todcicle and for now l mainly draw ◇Myct◇ l'm really close to 300 so thats my goal for this month support is greatly appriciated ♡♡ Cool moots

14 20

Kinda late but l have arrived!! I'm Todcicle and l usually draw myct :D

2 9

Woo!!! Cosmos congrats on 3K!! :D
I'm Todcicle and as you can see l mainly draw ◇myct◇ (Amazing and wonderfull moots )

5 11