//=time() ?>
( Inescapably greeted as the wrong person repeatedly upon only her entrance, it is the natural consequence of her mien she is brought to the bed which is not hers at first. )
… … …
( SIGH. )
( … It never becomes easier, others of yourself. )
… My apologies. That you hold on to such a wish insinuates a closeness I may have offended. Pray forgive me for my careless wording.
… If I've the choice between a bed which yet belongs to none, and one's it will seem I pretend to be, I shall make of myself a demanding guest and assert my preference for the former.
— I apologize that I've so tarried. It seems to me, however, it has become too late on the day for me to return to my castle of origin before the new morrow.
I mind not sleeping in the barracks, but I do require I am shown an empty bed.
How do you do. … You'll forgive me, however, if I ask for full introductions. I am unacquainted with any of your parallel images.
… I assume you were friends with her, then.
… Not the exact one you were likely looking for, as I understand from your comrades in this castle. I answer to the titles nonetheless, however — yet many here do, I would presume.
( Imminent truth gnaws uncomfortably at the back of her mind. It reminds her of why she choose Anima; that those immersed in Elder magicks so easily accept this sensation of what is beyond their ken baffles her )
… Tell me, then.
My apologies for the prying question.
… How is the offensive line-up around these parts, however?