

oh, what a way; to be living with all of your pain. (21+) (homewards, @fordenary . 💍)

フォロー数:296 フォロワー数:447

[ooc] sprite/art edit combo I'll never use but which everyone still *really* needs to see

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( Even if, with that, she could dismiss herself and be on her way, she seems to tarry. )
… By your leave, then.

Good day.

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… "Looking for me"? … … I would presume you mean a different iteration of my person. … Even then, however — this suggests I would forsake duty; and I would need stray far from myself to even *consider* such.

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… I see. ( There seems to be more at play, but no version of her has ever been one to probe ) Then I shall leave you be, and wish you a good remainder of the day.

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… Forgive me my rudeness if prior introductions have escaped my memory. As I recall, however, we have not. … Perhaps, then, you've met one like me Summoned to different Barracks.

Here at the castle, yes. I was selected to deliver messages to various Summoners today.

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Your General is from another castle … and with Heroes getting pulled from every possible iteration of their timelines, *you* decide what this Guest Selena's life has been like!

⬇ thread with polls for voting below ⬇

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— If you've no further need of my assistance, I shall be on my way again, then.

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I would be if I had called you "straight", Summoner.

... May I relay anything in return, then?

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... "I come bearing news". This is a message meant to be relayed between Summoners. It does not concern you any further.

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