

Translator (JP▶︎GER): Frieren, Sleeping DeadDas Band der Unterwelt, Pokémon Legenden: Arceus. MA Japanese Studies. Writer. Opinions are my own.

フォロー数:1964 フォロワー数:2478

Deutsche Itō Junji.

27 119

I must say the little duckling has grown on me. We share the same personality.

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Pokémon Legends: Archeos

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"Bakemonogatari" by Oh! Great and Nisioisin. For the longest time I didn't care to read this manga, because I didn't see how it could add anything to the anime adaptation by Studio Shaft. I was wrong. Oh! Great tries to outdo the anime with every image. It's quite a spectacle.

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This one never gets old.

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Pokémon Legends: Ho-Oh

0 9

Love this album already. A lot. Perfect music when your staring at the ceiling.

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Did we have this one already?

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Team Rocket's main purpose in "Sun and Moon" seems to be teaching the audience new Yojijukugo/四字熟語. I have no idea what 花顔柳腰, 羞月閉花, 飛竜乗雲, 英姿颯爽, 一蓮托生 or 連帯責任 mean, but I'm sure I will be able to say them in my sleep after 146 episodes.

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