

With a Hint of Lemon (Wahol for short).
Character designer and illustrator.
Contact: [email protected]
Artist for @OddityRPG

フォロー数:261 フォロワー数:1324

day 23, my dog Harley.

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days 15 and 16. A cat fighter and something I saw on the road.

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days 13 and 14. An oni boy and my cat.

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days 11 and 12. Princess Kaguya and an OC concept.

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days 9 and 10. A bad doe and a ham.

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Why yes, Leo does have tattoos.

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What if they had roller skates? (reposted to fix an error)

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Trying out a new lineless style. New female trainer for may have my favorite design thus far.

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A fast drawing of my little comet.

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Some quick face shape references I made of the gang for an upcoming print.

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