

With a Hint of Lemon (Wahol for short).
Character designer and illustrator.
Contact: [email protected]
Artist for @OddityRPG

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Another request by It's Star Butterfly and Lucas.

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This was technically my last drawing of 2017; I got a cintiq for Christmas and I really wanted to test it out. Now it won’t take me forever to complete lineart!

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Still don’t have , but I know which starter I’m going to pick…again.

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A bunch of stickers I whipped up for the con. I wish I had known of a proper sticker making place back then because creating these by hand was a real pain.

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Here are the last three major prints I made.

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Turns out I never posted some prints I made for Metrocon, so here are a couple of ones. I’ll be sure to post some others.

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day 29. I decided to finalize Neptune. Kinda hard to replicate her color scheme with only so many markers.

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days 25 and 26. The Comet and Neptune concept.

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