

A very average european guy, with a love for videogames, especially Mega Man, Golden Sun, MOTHER and Wario.

フォロー数:111 フォロワー数:171

With Sig’s new Sakura Wars alt, he and Arle now share 7 alt themes and I love that I can say that.

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I adore everything about Wario's Woods and while a sequel is sadly unlikely, I'm at least hopeful that the SNES version might make it to the Switch at some point.

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December is here, so here’s some festive ArleSigAmi for the occassion.

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A few more, just because I can.

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Gotta love the generous amount of attention Star Force got with these btw.

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The Rockman Unity Phone Wallpapers are a thing of beauty.

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The Sig/Strange Klug and Arle/Doppel parallels are one of my favorite Puyo things to rave about.

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I still adore SigRafisol. Would be a major shame if these two end up never getting to interact, since they have so much to work with already, for a great dynamic.

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The ArleSigAmi is so real right there. Same pose for the whole OT3.

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