☀️ Lady Mandy Summers - Baller Squad 💖さんのプロフィール画像

☀️ Lady Mandy Summers - Baller Squad 💖さんのイラストまとめ

Like Whaaat?! Comic Book Writer | 💀 Final Boss at StuntmanComics.com | Back Super Dead #2 Today! igg.me/at/superdead2

フォロー数:965 フォロワー数:15392

Going to post some of the one's we'll be talking about on the livestream! 💎

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We have SO much incredible artwork that has been submitted for the stretch goal art competition, there's no way to choose just one winner! and I will be adding on 2nd & 3rd place prizes too! Winners will be selected Sat, Oct 8th on our livestream! 💎❤️

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With Wolverine being in the new Deadpool movie, it's only right to have to see the coolest piece of art ever made. By

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Gemshock Issue has passed 82k! Big thanks to everyone that has been helping share out the project. IGG hasn't made it easy, that's for sure. But we're gettin' it done! Please check it out if you haven't had a chance yet!
💎 https://t.co/Vk7IxEjMH3

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