

Misanthrope girl she her.

フォロー数:109 フォロワー数:52

Clowns in reply and qrt Before anything I played xy THE 2nd BEST GAME!
A=it's Serena from the Anime
B=no it's game or manga Serena only
Me =y'all are clowns🤡 🗿
Me =it's a reference to game manga and anime serena so it's all of them for reference 😐 😑 https://t.co/M3PHTibQQD

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so... hating serena okay but hating misty (or other pokegirls) is instant trolling? And acting like that misty hater(or other pokegirls hater except serena) is a retard, crazy, Deviant or etc...? And I can see you have a problem with people who still like serena or-

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酔っ払い | さみりか https://t.co/uhS5YRNZHa

ラル・ミルチ生誕祭2016 | やあた https://t.co/u4jHy7gcX1

じょっとさん | アズーマン https://t.co/ORLGuyZ8Uy

永遠に咲く花 | しゃかしゃかりき https://t.co/iCeAkTZEKg

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●・ω・● | soro https://t.co/0DWyClYbYg
紅き死神 | 夕緋 https://t.co/KHZ8xGTBzq
【通販】SCCありがとうございました! | しの https://t.co/2UqzHnc04g
emily | NIX https://t.co/2lBZeNPMqc

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フライング無双小十郎 | 青名 https://t.co/CSRN4HGzRd

メッタメタたべます! | 鳩豆さちこ https://t.co/MtBguBWctg

2014 | たき https://t.co/r1rnVsj8Qe

ガンバるよ! | ライカ https://t.co/aMfZJT0IkL

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毛利元就 | aji https://t.co/t13vdEfbHV
帰蝶 | わたガラナ https://t.co/1uaRrnqNAT
あなたのために摘んできたの | 狐音 https://t.co/tbYKfuqG2G
脳天かち割るだべさ | おぐらosn https://t.co/H6qV3MCbDr

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うさみみ | うた岡 https://t.co/6blUouwUmI

うたの☆プリンセスさまっ♪ | だいこん https://t.co/4KXa8J8lQO

四ノ宮家のアルバム | REI@プロフご一読ください https://t.co/ypIlsKj3RF

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