

If you enter my mind you do so at your own risk, it's not always safe in there

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"One day he took her to walk with him out of the town and showed her the spot where the boat was turned adrift upon the wide waters. Then he sat himself down, and said I am very much tired; sit by me"

King of the Golden Mountain

🎨Sophie Rodionov

1 10

Night Carlyanne ⭐️ 💜
🎨Claire Fletcher

4 25

Nightnight Carlyanne 💜💫
🎨Cicely Mary Barker

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The Inuit of North America / Greenland tell the tale of the trickster, Raven, who was instrumental in returning the light to the sky.

🎨Jamie Strassenburg

1 11

A famous dragon from Slavic mythology is Zmey Gorynych, he was a dangerous, three-headed zmey faced by many folk heroes.

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In the Clash of theTitans, movie, Calibos was reportedly a son of the Goddess Thetis. Calibos angered Zeus who transformed him into a satyr. The former prince was forced to live away from humanity, in swamps and marshes.

3 17

Michaelmas Superstition - if the breast bones of the goose are brown after roasting the following winter should be mild, but if the bones are white or have a slight blue hue the the winter will be severe.

🎨Corrine Aelbers

6 23

Jorinde and Joringel were two lovers engaged to be married. One day they went for a walk in the forest and came too near to a witch's lair. She turned Jorinde into a nightingale and petrified Joringel to the ground.

Grimms Fairy Tales

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The seventeenth of March. In other words, spring. Desmond, people who think themselves smart, I mean those in the height of fashion, women or men - can they afford to wait any longer before buying their spring wardrobes?

Colette, Cheri and The Last of Cheri

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It was a terrible, indescribable thing vaster than any subway train—a shapeless congeries of protoplasmic bubbles, faintly self-luminous, and with myriads of temporary eyes

H.P. Lovecraft
At the Mountains of Madness

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