Wil “Comms Open on Ko-Fi” Brendelさんのプロフィール画像

Wil “Comms Open on Ko-Fi” Brendelさんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator of indie comic The Redeemers. Cohost on The Ace Trainer Lounge podcast. Art on Instagram & Twitch. Waiting on that call from IDW and TMNT. He/him.

フォロー数:261 フォロワー数:454

Yeah, alright. Here’s to never deleting anything from my photo roll.

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6. Metroid
You know what the problem with trying to cast more Metroid characters is? Most of the potentials are just different forms of Samus. How about a Metroid that goes through its lifecycle the longer it stays active?

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3. Garchomp
Every Smash needs one Pokemon who probably won't be back in the next one, right!? Diamond & Pearl remakes are probably right around the corner to promote, and everybody loves the land shark dragon of doom, don't they?

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2. Crono
I know.
But look.
It satisfies people who want Final Fantasy-ish characters, throws a Toriyama-shaped bone to those who want Goku, and he debuted on a Nintendo console.

Also I've had Chrono Trigger on the brain and resisting buying the DS port because I never played it.

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1. Paper Mario
Mario's franchise doesn't NEED any more representation in Smash, but PAPER Mario sure could use some love. Smash attacks involving the hammer (or paint hammer if you must, Nintendo), and specials with party members. Star Spirit final smash. It'd be great.

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