


フォロー数:191 フォロワー数:659

updated tree recolor thread with new trees \o w o/ https://t.co/oNZ6xl0v8U

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been making sure stuff works on the computer, but here's a preview SV battler for MV

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updated an old thread for lanterns and some lighting /o 3 o/

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lol hime and his chickens- well it should make you happy to know I've been picking at these a bit

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some more unreleased tiles /o 3 o/ for mini game type things.

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it can also make really nice work for things like stain glass effects and magic circles o 3 o

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some quick editing/recolor for something more golden

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I decided to complete the faceset with a few more recolors - 3 o

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chicken variety you say?

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