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Hey, hey,
that Balan Wonderworld demo is out.
Let's try it out!
"The Sonic The hedgehog franchise is in a drought!!!"
Me and the Kid Icarus Fanbase:
I got a new preview up for my next review on Patreon...It's on this guy...oh boy
Tonight we are looking at True Hate.
A new indie platformer inspired by Ori, Child of Light, and many others.
The developers reached out to me to give an early look at it, so come and check it out!
Tonight at 7, we're taking a look at Ture Hate. An upcoming platformer that the devs game me a copy to check out. Seeya then!
@Somecallmejon @TactlessOgre @BlazeHenry1 Sora coming back to hallow bastion after Atlantica
I'm thinking our next twitch sub-goal game will be Mario and Luigi Super Star Saga. I've been having the itch to revisit the series. But I do want to ask, which version to play? I know the GBA OG is a classic, but I've never played the 3DS version and I'm curious.
When you want to talk about Gravity Falls,
so you get all of your friends on discord to be addicted to it.
Ratchet and Clank learning about the history of the lombaxes #RatchetAndClank