Petrina Binney 🏳️‍🌈 📚 🌴さんのプロフィール画像

Petrina Binney 🏳️‍🌈 📚 🌴さんのイラストまとめ

'Quirky, fun, pleasantly disturbing.'
Working on a #mystery and a #horror. Learning French 🇫🇷
Can be found all over the place.

フォロー数:2922 フォロワー数:3186

Day 22: What would your antagonist bring to a potluck?
Had to Google potluck.
So, the dish that Minette would bring to dinner at someone else’s house… she’s not a cook so dip.
Some kind of dip.

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Day 17: What is your villain’s favourite hobby?
Making up stories. There’s nothing to beat it as a way to pass the time.

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Day 17. What makes your MC angry?
Getting caught in a lie. There are a lot of them, but she has a great memory so she can usually keep up. When there are occasional slip-ups, she gets annoyed with herself.

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Day 13: What is your villain afraid of the most?
Getting caught before she’s successfully seduced Minette.

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Day 9: Who plays your hero in the movie, and what is their biggest challenge?
Hadn’t considered a movie but - if you insist…
Anna Chancellor. Her biggest challenge would be reminding me that she’s not actually a counsellor and no, I can’t make an appointment.

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Day 6: What nicknames or aliases does your hero have?
Minette has no idea what nickname Jaxx has given her. They’re not at a point in their relationship where Jaxx can call her that out loud.

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Day 1: Introduce your villain and describe their voice.
I’ll be focussing on Jaxx this month. She’s both my MC and my villain. Her voice is dark and persuasive. It makes everything she says seem more compelling.
Her voice will hook a lover before anything else.

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