🌙 Rowena Frenzelさんのプロフィール画像

🌙 Rowena Frenzelさんのイラストまとめ

3D Creature Artist || rowcat studio // Freelancer

フォロー数:668 フォロワー数:4456

Say ‘Hi’ to Thundercat and poor Charly. 👋🏼🐟 Was fun sculpting one of my drawings which i did in procreate. You already saw the sketch of this cat (if u can remember it). I really want to turn more of my sketches into 3D this year! Im definitely printing this out :)

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I resculpted a creature I did back in 2013 :) I tried my best to stick to the old design but still making it different.

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Hey guys. I had the chance to work on A LOT of creatures for the "Delaware Museum of Nature & Science" for their exhibits. Over 60+ 3D models which were printed and also painted.
The CHALLENGE: to keep the sculpting time as low as i could for each animal.
Was a fun project :)

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(Wip) still in progress with the design, adding shapes and stuff to it. But overall thats how it looks like when i try to half sculpt in symmetry and half not.

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Dragons are always a good idea to work on.. sooo.. here we are. (still wip)

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I posted so much in the past so im not sure if i posted this already. But if you struggle with posing your creature, here a few easy tips to remember :)

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ich wollte das mal für patreon machen. Hatte mir als versuch mal eine karte ausgedruckt von einer firma mit guter qualität, aber ich hatte nie zeit dafür extra kreaturen zu machen leider :/

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Rough body sculpt for this Creature. I thought it can grab things or climb somewhere with these kind of hands/paws/feet.

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