

30+ years of role-playing, tabletop gaming and being a total geek. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, World of Darkness and Horus Heresy are my jam.

フォロー数:1521 フォロワー数:1891

The ex-priest comes face to face with the main cultists of Belial, The Great Beast. He's also one of the most powerful and wealthy individual in Poland. The PC came to this meeting without any backup or even a weapon... "Hunter: The Reckoning" returns soon.

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Discussing what to play next with your group can be a seriously draining and unpleasant process...

0 12

I greatly enjoy the new Skaven creation rules in the newest "The Enemy Within" Companion. They're almost on the level of 2nd edition's "Children of the Horned Rat". Lots of goodies, gadgets, spells and critters. As a true ratmen afficionado, I approve!

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The party and their mercenary company are finally leaving Lashiek. Outside the mighty walls of the Corsair City, the Grand Host of the Sultan of all Araby is being assembled. Their ultimate target: Nehekhara. This is going to be one hell of a journey...

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I was never a huge fan of 3rd edition, but damn - it did had some of the best artwork ever. Plus I kinda want to try out its version of the "Enemy Within"...

2 14

I need an idea for a unique and excentric tavern/inn. Setting is , of course, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay so no D&D-inspired joints, please. I count on your imagination folks from Twitter!

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So glad to see Grey Knights getting some love. They were always one of my favorite factions, ever since the time of 5th edition and "Emperor's Gift". The Thousand Sons Infernal Master is pretty swell too.

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There ain't no party like a Slaanesh party.

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The Imbued's leader is knocked out cold and faces a hellish illusion of a Fallen, taunting him. His men will have to proceed with the plan of kidnapping the main cultist, without his leadership. "Hunter: The Reckoning" returns tonight.

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The success of 4th edition really makes me wish for a proper, fleshed out CRPG Warhammer Fantasy game. I still have no idea why no one tried to import WFRP to PCs and consoles. Maybe one day...

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