

30+ years of role-playing, tabletop gaming and being a total geek. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, World of Darkness and Horus Heresy are my jam.

フォロー数:1512 フォロワー数:2204

Last time on "The Thousand Thrones": the party managed to piss off one sassy vampire lady, and they got wrecked (after putting one hell of a fight, I might add). What will happen to them now, at the beginning of chapter 8? I know, but I'm not telling... yet.

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"In that dread desert, beneath the moon's pale gaze, dead men walk. They haunt the shifting dunes of the breathless, windless night, brandish weapons of bronze in mocking challenge and bitter resentment of the life they no longer possess. And sometimes, in ghastly dry voices...

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In two hours my first, proper session in Araby will begin. I can't wait!

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There are talks about a quick Tactical Strike Plus campaign being organised soon. I'm a huge fan of skirmish games, and I've already tested TS+ a few times before. I guess that my White Scars will finally have something to do. https://t.co/eIT02v1UVq 😄

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Chapter 7 of "The Thousand Thrones" is done and dusted. The Stirland Captain smashed baroness Lydia von Carstein's ancient Nehekharan tablets, and thus prevented her from completing the blasphemous Union of Souls ritual. The baroness did not took this well...

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"Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death."

Vlad von Carstein, offering an easy choice.

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I always enjoyed adding official Warhammer characters to my games. Along the years heroes such as Kurt Helborg, Jubal Falk, Egrimm van Horstmann (maybe he's not a "hero"...) and a couple others took part in my games. Now this handsome bastard joins the list...

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The idea of a mechanical, clockwork battle horse is simply magnificent. Empire's engineers get all the best toys, I swear...

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The infamous "a peasant earns only a single gold crown per year" piece of lore from the "Old World Armoury" still cracks me up.

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Playing my last game of 2020 this week. Hopefully the party will be able to quell the mutiny, and drive away the bloodthirsty mercenaries of Alfredo Lacosta at the same time. If not, they'll likely reach Araby in chains...

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