

I guess I make cartoons now. Still mostly comics, design, and illustration though.

フォロー数:87 フォロワー数:75

Things are... weird now. If this place ceases to be a cesspit of lies and hatred (or at least returns to cesspit-of-lies-and-hatred levels of pre-Grimes's ex) perhaps I'll return. Till then, catch me at Mastodon (.net) or Instagram ().

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Lately been wondering where I got the dumb idea to draw eyes like that and in the midst of a recent evening of retro gaming suddenly it was like..... oh.

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Doesn't obsession just become me?

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So, what, ya thought cuz it's the 19th anniversary of 8:1 that I was gonna drop a new comic with no warning, Beyoncé/Radiohead style?

Well, you thought right, but I caught the covids, so things got delayed. So let's say this Friday instead.

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If for whatever reason you find yourself looking for the exit, catch us on Mastodon at .net or on Instagram at .

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Made this for a local story stroll event but they never advertised and the event got cancelled anyway. But I like it and someone should see it so.

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