

joo주 headass😳20+ EN+ㅎㄱ잘 못해 🐟+ fgo📚☆ntm☆木曜+myzw💖総受けkizn💕ntaknt🐉🐱❤︎🥃🐮❤︎ モブ+女装が好き、モブNTRも😳日本語が苦手...Google翻訳😭 FRB free😼👍 crj+bey

フォロー数:202 フォロワー数:396

This story is just disturbing right now lol

84 214

aku’s letter to kizn is SO cute 😭
they’re eating udon with soy sauce black as ink, as mentioned in kizn’s novel (I learned this from a soy sauce company pamphlet? lol)

13 37

Natsume can make sweets now... why is he so cute?????? 😭

33 123

amazing tag 😂 楽しかった!!! Thanks so much 🦶

19 82

they’re cute together 😌

21 53

happy birthday!!! I love you!!!

78 191

red shirt 😭

17 48

the old man and the sea

184 408