

joo주 headass😳20+ EN+ㅎㄱ잘 못해 🐟+ fgo📚☆ntm☆木曜+myzw💖総受けkizn💕ntaknt🐉🐱❤︎🥃🐮❤︎ モブ+女装が好き、モブNTRも😳日本語が苦手...Google翻訳😭 FRB free😼👍 crj+bey

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I love how the bungo crossover families have matching hair/eyes....

5 12

u can be my teacher, ill do homework
u can give me extra credit, ill do more work

mr. tsubouchi....... they really gave him 3 outfits in the span of like, a few months LMAO
but i wish they gave him more pastel stuff :(

1 9

when hifumi said "tf is a yumeno gentaro".... i really felt that

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